5 Reasons to buy Aquasoft R.O

Drinking more water is a smart and healthy decision! But, you still have a lot of choices when it comes to what kind of water you drink. Bottled? Distilled? Natural spring water? Tap water?
Reverse osmosis drinking water systems provide you with clean, refreshing water right in your home or office. Here are some reasons why Aquasoft RO is the best option for you.
Sarah Aquasoft R.O System

Removes Harmful Salts

This is the foremost purpose of the Aquasoft RO water purifiers and this what makes them stand out. No other water purifier technology is even remotely capable enough to remove the dissolved salts present in water. Aquasoft Ro purifiers employ the process of reverse osmosis to get this done. Reverse osmosis is the process where a solution of higher concentration is passed through a semi-permeable membrane to a region of lower concentration by applying external pressure. The membrane retains all the salts and the resulting reverse osmosis water is free from dissolved salts and is safe to consume.

Water if not treated with reverse osmosis technology, can be lethal and can act as a slow poison to your body, the harmful salts most notably Arsenic and Lead get accumulated in the body and there are no means for our body to dispose of them. These salts can cause immediate effects such as kidney stones or in the long run when your body ages, they take a serious toll on your body and prove to be lethal.

Removes Contaminants

No matter where you live, there’s a lot more than just H2O in your water. However, with Aquasoft’sreverse osmosis system, you can drastically reduce those unwanted contaminants. The special membrane filters out most microscopic organisms and heavy metals.
Aqua soft RO systems are tested and certified for the reduction of the following contaminants:
·         lead
·         arsenic
·         copper
·         nitrates and nitrites (hexavalent & trivalent)
·         fluoride
·         barium
·         cyst (cryptosporidium)
·         total dissolved solids (TDS)
If pure water is what you want, Aquasoft RO system is what you need!

Removing Dissolved Impurities and Germs

The water flowing through the river beds, streams and mountains, groundwater etc carry a lot of dissolved impurities and disease-causing germs. In certain extreme cases, the water is yellowish or brownish in color which is a high red alert indicating the presence of dissolved impurities.
The semi-permeable membrane used in the RO purifier technology has pores of 0.0001 microns. The size of the bacteria is 0.04 microns and the size of the viruses is 0.0004 microns. The air pump run by electricity forces the water to pass through the semi-permeable membrane and the membrane is more than capable of removing the disease-causing germs and dissolved impurities present in the water. All the germs and dissolved impurities present are trapped in the pores ensuring the water is 100 percent safe for drinking purpose.

Providing great taste and retaining good salts

There are some additional benefits of using Aquasoft RO water purifier. The Aquasoft RO purifiers not only make the water safe for drinking but also provide great taste to the water. The taste of the water is due to the presence of mineral salts and hence the taste of water varies based on different geographies according to the salt content present. Moreover, our body also requires certain mineral salts for the proper functioning of our body and lack of these salts can lead to minerals and salts deficiency.
AquaSoft Ro water purifier systems offer a TDS filter attached to reverse osmosis plant to control and regulate the number of salts that is filtered. It ensures that your body gets essential salts thereby retaining the taste of the water and retaining the good salts.

Every Human' Basic need is Pure water 

Reduces Sodium from Soft Water

Water softeners are specifically designed to remove hard minerals from the water. Water softeners solve a lot of hard water problems, but they are not meant for purification. The water softener in your home or office gives you water that’s excellent for cleaning, bathing, and laundry. However, not everyone enjoys the taste of softened water.
Remember, in the ion exchange process your water softener uses, hard minerals are replaced with sodium molecules. You could still have a high level of total dissolved solids, which will impact the taste. AquasoftRO filters out the sodium that your water softener adds. A reverse osmosis drinking water system partnered with a water softener allows you to enjoy the benefits of both soft water and purified drinking water. Plus, R.O. systems are more efficient when they start with soft water.

Cost Effective

Last but not the very least, AquaSoft RO systems are cost-effective. As compared to any other RO system in the market, AquaSoft RO systems provide more purification levels at a comparatively lower setup cost.


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